The REALTOR® Emeritus status eligibility requirements are:
Forty (40) years of REALTOR® or REALTOR-ASSOCIATE® (or both) membership and;
• Proof of one (1) year of service* at the National Association level
* “Service” is defined as serving as an NAR officer, director, committee member, Federal Political Coordinator, Global Ambassador, or Global Coordinator to a country with which NAR holds a reciprocal agreement.
If you meet these requirements, please contact Laura Sager in Membership. Please specify your NAR level of service. Laura can be reached at 805 495-4681 or
Click here for information about the application process and deadlines.
Requirements for Qualification
REALTOR® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATE® Members of the State Association who have:
1. served the Association for a minimum of twenty-five (25) years, and;
2. attained the age of seventy-five (75)
Applications must be submitted to C.A.R. by CSMAR staff. Applications will be reviewed at the three annual C.A.R. Business Meetings. For more information, please contact Laura Sager at 805-495-4681
A 30 Year Honorary Member is a REALTOR® member who has paid dues to this Association for a period of time totaling 30 years consecutively, has served two (2) years on a standing committee of the Association, and was a member in good standing, as of December 31, 2012. Upon approval by the Board of Directors he/she will be honored where he/she will receive a 30-year pin. He/she shall continue to pay State and National dues billed through this Association; however, local Association dues will be waived.”
For more information, please contact Laura Sager at 805-495-4681